Attending Church again from Sunday 18th April 2021

Cockpen Church from the graveyardWe will look forward to opening Cockpen & Carrington Church for worship again on Sunday 18th April at 11.30 am. 

If you would like to attend the service and future services, you will still need to book as we are restricted to 26 people in the church. 

As before Christmas, there will be no singing and those attending are required to wear face coverings.  Hand sanitiser will be set out for use as you arrive and you will also be guided to observe 2m social distancing while entering and leaving the church and in being seated for the service. 

How to book

Booking will be open from 12 noon on the Thursday until 12 noon on the Saturday before a service by calling or texting — 07928 653891Please indicate your name, your telephone number and the number of people you would like to book from your household

If you hear nothing back please assume that you have a place booked as we will only contact you if a place is not available.  If we contact you to advise there isn’t a place available, we will offer you a place for the following Sunday. 

In order to support the NHS “Test and Protect” contact tracing system, information about your attendance will be held for a period of 21 days and then destroyed.


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Cockpen & Carrington Parish Church (Church of Scotland) Scottish Registered Charity SC013139
Last modified: 17 November 2024