The Wedding Ceremony

The Ceremony              In the Christian Church we understand the celebration of marriage to be part of our worship of God.  We believe that God is at the centre of all things and therefore, at the centre of our lives. 

The Marriage Schedule          Marriages have to be registered at the Registrar’s Office.  You must go to the Registrar’s Office at:

Midlothian Council
Fairfield House
8 Lothian Road
EH22 3ZN
(0131 271 3281)

This should be at least six weeks before the date of your wedding.  You should take with you both your Birth Certificates and any details relating to divorce.  You will need the name of the church and the name of the minister.  The Registrar will inform you of the date on which you should collect the Marriage Schedule.

Music       Normally there will be a piece of music as the bridal party enters the church, another piece of music while the schedule is being signed and a third piece as the bride and groom leave.  There would normally be two hymns during the service.  Graham Burnside, our organist, will be happy to give you help and advice on popular and suitable music and hymns (0131 556 1751). Order of Service and Possible wedding hymns.

Flowers   If you intend having flowers in the church and have your own florist you should contact the minister to arrange access to the church before the wedding.  If you would like a more simple vase of flowers for the occasion, the church may be able to arrange this for you and you should speak to the minister in the first instance. 

Rehearsal           The minister will arrange for a rehearsal of the marriage ceremony.  This will normally take place on the evening before the wedding date.  It is advisable to bring the Marriage Schedule with you, so that it can be kept in Church until the following day.

Fees         There is never any charge for the services of a Church of Scotland Minister.  However, the heating, lighting, cleaning and maintenance of the building and the services of the Organist and Church Officer do have to be paid for.  The Kirk Session of Cockpen & Carrington Church has set the fees at £300.  A deposit of £100 should be paid at the time of booking the wedding.  The remaining £200 should be paid to the Church Treasurer or Minister the evening before the wedding day at the rehearsal.

Photographs     Still photographs may be taken during the marriage service by a photographer, as long as they discreetly positioned and not moving around.  The photographer should meet with the minister beforehand.  If you wish the service to be filmed you must inform the minister in advance.  All forms of photography are at the discretion of the minister.  In the case of inclement weather, you may wish photographs to be taken inside the church after the service.  We usually allow 20 minutes for this.  Please inform your photographer of these matters.

Confetti   The use of confetti in the church is not permitted and it is discouraged outside the church in the interests of being environmentally friendly.


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Cockpen & Carrington Parish Church (Church of Scotland) Scottish Registered Charity SC013139
Last modified: 22 January 2025